Raw Coping Power Tool-Kit
The Raw Coping Power (RCP) tool-kit contains all of the great helpful tools from Dr. Bennett's book Raw Coping Power: From Stress to Thriving, now in an accessible PDF format! Included in the toolkit are the original 31 tools from the book with the addition of a multicultural resilience tool and updated COVID resources.
This tool-kit has been used by many resilience coaches, consultants, and trainers. We are making it available to anyone with an interest in transforming stress into thriving.
Also included in this product are two free samples of tools from the tool-kit which you can download below.
Sample 1: Access Here
Sample 2: Access Here
After you submit payment, you will receive an email with a link to an agreement form. Once you complete the form, a confirmation email will be sent with a dropbox link to the Raw Coping Power Tool-Kit.
PLEASE READ. The PDF format of these tools allows you to provide access to single tools when working with individuals or groups. We request that you please do not distribute the entire kit of tools to anyone, nor charge a separate fee for their use. In downloading these separate tool-kits you agree not to distribute these to others, except on a case-by-case basis and only for the purposes of coaching or training.
We also request that you please encourage others to purchase a copy of Raw Coping Power (link to OWLS shopping) (link to AMAZON page). Please let us know if you have any questions.