Certified Trainers and Coaches

The individuals listed below are available to deliver your training.

  • Some are trained in Stress Management, Team Awareness (8 or 4 hours), Team Resilience, Team Readiness, Resilience Coaching, Empowered Health Consciousness, and Well-Being Leadership.
  • If you want to contact a trainer, please contact us and indicate your preference.
  • (NOTE. This page is updated regularly. If you have been trained and do not see your name here, please contact us).


Amy Fahey was certified in Team Awareness for Workplace Wellness in 2024. To date, Amy has facilitated approximately 20 sessions to 200 individuals in various organizational settings.

Here is a bit about Amy Fahey:

I work as the Community Engagement & Training Coordinator with the Herkimer County Prevention Council, a program of Catholic Charities of Herkimer County, NY. In this capacity, I work with individuals across the lifespan in the substance use field. My training experience covers substance use prevention, recovery, overall well-being and cultural competency.

I love these trainings because they not only create a space and time for individuals to self-reflect and reaffirm their strengths and values, but it allows them the opportunity to be vulnerable with themselves and those they work with. As a facilitator, I have the privilege of watching the process individuals experience from start to finish; questioning if they make a difference in the lives around them to proclaiming their intention to make that difference.

Life, and all that it encompasses, can be challenging and these trainings remind us to take time to care for our well-being. In addition, they provide knowledge and tools so that individuals can feel better equipped to navigate their overall health and wellness.

Contact Amy Fahey for more information:

Email: afahey@ccherkimer.org

Phone: 315-894-9917


Julie was certified in Team Awareness for Workplace Wellness in 2024. Julie has delivered 25 training sessions to over 500 participants. She currently trains in the Central NY region.

Here is a bit about Julie Dostal:

I have been a trainer for more than 30 years and spent most of that time in the world of addiction prevention. As we all emerged from COVID, it made sense that the adult workforce had become a priority in the overall wellness of our communities. I had the great opportunity to go through the capacity building and adaptation process for Team Awareness with many of our colleagues in rural, central New York. We learned that employers were deeply concerned about the mental health and overall wellbeing of the workforce. We also learned that they didn't have adequate, accessible effective responses to their concerns. With that, we have been able to offer trainings all over the region to a wide variety of businesses and organizations. The feedback and the data from these trainings show that we're really making a difference. It is an honor to be engaged in this work and such a wonderful journey.

Fun fact

I am a musician and have been involved in everything from Fiddler on the Roof to Handel's Messiah.

Nancy was certified in Resilience and Thriving in 2021, she trains virtually and lives in Massachusetts
Nancy works as a Wellness Professional in sales and in support of speaking engagements..

Here is Nancy’s view as a trainer:
Why did you take this course?

When I attended the WWCMA Annual Conference in 2019, I participated in Joel’s seminar and was excited to learn more. The conference focused on Resilience and I wanted to be involved in bringing more skills to others.

What value does it have for you?

At the time of the training, I was processing my own stress and wanted to improve my coping skills. I had just been learned about loved ones being diagnosed with illness and my caretaking responsibilities were about to ramp up. I also wanted to provide skills to others who are part of the “sandwich generation”, managing the care of their children and their parents.

Contact Nancy Chabot for more information:


Sue was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2021; she trains in Pennsylvania.

Sue works as a Medical Writer at Lehigh Valley Health Network Office of Research and Innovation and is founder of Duck Sauce Life, LLC, a writing and editing company specializing in life story facilitation and manuscript preparation.

Here is Sue's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

One can never know enough about the human condition. Resilience is a fascinating topic that requires deep personal work and a willingness to hold space for self and others to find a way through the stressors of life to unearth our core values and inherent strengths. Dr. Joel Bennett’s facilitation style encourages introspection and connection, and OWLS programming sends participants away with useful tools and techniques for immediate implementation. I took this course as much for my own growth as for finding ways to support others in my roles as writer, teacher, colleague, friend, and mother.

What value does it have for you?

I appreciate the inclusion of a fully customizable copy of the Resilience & Thriving facilitator materials, along with Dr. Joel Bennett’s book, Raw Coping Power, which contains a comprehensive toolbox of activities to encourage your wellness colleagues and colleagues to find their own pathways to resilience and thriving. But by far, the most valuable outcome is having blazed a trail to Joel himself, who helps us stay present to the journey and who reminds us that thriving is about what happens along the way.

Contact Sue Hansen for more information.

Email: Susan_E.Hansen@lvhn.org or ducksaucelife@gmail.com

Candy was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2021; she trains in New York.
Candy works as a Prevention Services Director.

Here is Candy’s view as a trainer:
Why did you take this course?

I took the Resilience and Thriving certificate training course to increase prevention training offerings to my community partners.

What value does it have for you?

“This program is one that is easily understood by all levels of staff and very timely. As all of us have struggled in our own ways due to social isolation, new and different work expectations, and increased stress it is nice to have some time for employees to focus on themselves and explore ways to deal with these stressors. The feedback I have received from the individuals attending this program has been very favorable. They shared their appreciation for a “training” that did not take a lot of time out of their busy schedules, made them more aware of their level of stress and unhealthy ways of coping, and encouraged supporting each other. One individual shared that they looked forward to doing more self-exploration and incorporating their identified goals for decreasing stress and increasing their resilience. This has been a great way for teams to take time to learn about and from each other.”

Contact Candy Herbert for more information:


Tracy was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2021; she trains in New York.
Tracy Lyman works as a Lecturer and University Supervisor at Binghamton University and as an Early Intervention Specialist.

Here is Tracy’s view as a trainer:
Why did you take this course?

I took this course to share the information with educators and others in the community who work with children.

What value does it have for you?

We often speak about self-care for educators and I appreciate how this course focuses on being preventative and action-focused for individuals. It is crucial that we support our workforce as much as we support our students, so this workshop provides the opportunity to help people recognize their own needs and then work to effectively deal with stress.

Contact Tracy Lyman for more information.


Carolyn was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2021; she coaches virtually and in New York.
Carolyn is the owner of Edenic Labor, offering complimentary consultation sessions, personal coaching, group coaching, and workshops on a variety of workplace wellness topics.

Here is Carolyn's view as a coach:
Why did you take this course?

Edenic Labor is committed to the restoration of people through dignified labor: building plans, systems, and organizations to support caregivers across a variety of life sectors by engaging their labor in a way that fosters holistic wellness. The Resilience to Thriving Coach Program offered diverse modes of engagement with the key knowledge, tools and experiences essential to developing our capacity to support caregivers in moving from enduring their labor to thriving in and through their labor.

What value does it have for you?

As a consequence of this program, we now have the tools to support our clients in self-assessing their unique and collective responses to specific stressors in the work environment, to make a greater impact on their overall well-being, and to heighten their capacity to utilize this information to repurpose stress for thriving, reimagine their labor, and advocate for change in their work environments.

Contact Carolyn Sinclair McCalla to learn how you can create an edenic labor environment in which your employees can count their labor as a part of their wellness strategy.
Email:  carolynsinclairmccalla@gmail.com


Christina was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2021; she trains in Tioga County, New York.
Christina works as the Tioga County Coordinator for Prevention Services (CASA-Trinity, Inc.). Additionally, she serves as the Project Director of the Tioga County Allies in Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) Coalition and is a certified Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga Instructor at Yoga Body Shop (located in Johnson City, NY).

Here is Christina's view as a trainer:
Why did you take this course?

I took this course to further my abilities in helping to create more resilient communities and to assist in helping people grow and assess areas they can change.

What value does it have for you?

One of my personal and professional goals is to help create positive and supportive environments for people to live, work, and raise children in. This course has helped me to assess my own thriving and resilience as well as facilitate others in the process of learning more about themselves and how they can choose to thrive at home, at work, and in the community.

Contact Christina Olevano for more information.
Email: colevano@casa-trinity.org

Phone: (607) 223-4066
Website: www.casa-trinity.org or www.TiogaASAP.org


Cynthia was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2020; she trains in Massachusetts.

Cynthia works as a Certified Holistic Health and Wellness Coach.

Here is Cynthia’s view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

I took the Resilience to Thriving course for several reasons. As a social worker and health coach, I was interested in expanding my knowledge around these concepts. My health coaching practice involves work with both individuals and groups and a large focus of my practice is on delivering presentations on a variety of wellness topics as they relate to diet, healthy lifestyle and overall self care. Resilience and thriving is an area that I wanted to dive deeper in. After reading Dr. Bennett's book Raw Coping Power, the concepts really resonated with me and I knew I wanted to learn more about how I can deliver this content to others. I attended the training to obtain a facilitator certificate that I could use with groups in a variety of settings and I was seeking a new way to deliver a side of wellness I hadn't given much attention to in the past. I also felt that the comprehensive slide deck, facilitator notes and handouts that were included would be very useful when I delivered the training. In addition to wanting to enhance my health and wellness practice through this course, my motivation for taking the training was also personal. I wanted new tools to address my own reactions to stress, to learn how to become more resilient, further my understanding for healthy coping and finally, to understand more about what it is to reach a state of thriving in life.

What value does it have for you?

I can’t say enough about how fantastic the Resilience Facilitator Training is. I have delivered the training to various groups and based on the comments that I have received afterwards as well as on how participants responded to my post-session evaluation, the training has clearly made a significant impact on attendees. Participants were very engaged and eager to participate and consistently gave the training the highest ratings, with 100 percent recommending the training to others.

The slide deck that I received in this training is well thought out and detailed as are the facilitator notes that are included. The workbook and handouts created by OWLS are also helpful resources that are provided. These items along with Dr. Bennett’s instruction and expertise delivering the training made me feel very prepared to deliver the training myself. Some other aspects that I really like is that I have found that the Resilience Facilitator Training can be tailored to many different groups and allows for a lot of flexibility in delivery so it can easily be modified to the needs of the client. This flexibility allows for it to be delivered over one, 90 minute session or as a more intense training over several weeks, as well as many other ways that it may be requested.

I am thrilled to be a trained facilitator in this Resilience Training as I hear comments such as “I know my early warning signs for stress better now” or “I am more aware when I am using unhealthy coping strategies on account of the training.” Clearly these comments and many others I have heard point to the positive impact of my presentation and the benefits of going through the Resilience Facilitator Training.

Contact Cynthia Conigliaro for more information.

Email: cynthiaconigliaro2@gmail.com

Website: Wellness with Cynthia

Phone number:(617)- 347-6983

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cynthia-conigliaro-mba-msw-hwc-08370a180/

Laura was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2020; she trains in Delaware.

Laura works as a Well-Being and Coordinator and Health Coach.

Here is Laura's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

I took the Resilience and Thriving certificate training course to add to the list of the Employee Health & Well-Being program offerings at the University of Delaware.

What value does it have for you?

This course has provided me with a unique and impactful way to view / talk about stress with our employees. It has also given me a new perspective on how to effectively lead workshops that are educational and engaging. Personally, this course has changed my life. I have depressive and generalized anxiety disorders, both of which negatively affect me in various ways daily. Since attending the training and facilitating it among a group of University of Delaware employees, I have spent time incorporating the content into my own life and have experienced a significant reduction in the severity of my anxiety and have learned to be more kind to myself when I am not feeling the best.

Contact Laura Gimbutas for more information.


Michael was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2020. He’s based in Maryland and speaks and trains globally.
Michael is an inspirational keynote speaker, author, Master Trainer and Founder & CEO of Michael K. Jackson International, a professional speaking and resilience training firm. .

Here is Michael's view as a trainer:
Why did you take this course?

In 2020, I took both the Resilience & Thriving Facilitator course as well as the Resilience to Thriving Coach course. My primary motivation for taking these courses was to deepen my subject matter expertise in the area of resilience so that I could best serve the leaders and organizations with which I work.

What value does it have for you?

By 2020, I’d been sharing my resilience story in my “Power of a P.L.A.N” keynotes and workshops for a couple of years as a means of inspiring, empowering and equipping purpose-driven business leaders around the world to build resilience and enhance their well-being. As a result of taking Dr. Joel Bennet’s Resilience & Thriving Facilitator and Resilience to Thriving Coach training courses, I’m now better equipped with additional tools in my resilience toolkit to not only facilitate my own thriving, but that of my clients as well.

Contact Michael K. Jackson for more information:

Phone (443)-290-7007
Website https://michaelkjackson.com
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelkjackson/


John was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2020; he trains in Connecticut.

Here is John's view as a trainer:

After serving the Midwest regional construction industry for 40 years, I retired in early 2019. However, I could not retire from life as too much work still needs to be done within that industry. Since the early-2000s, along with my union, I partnered with Washington University researchers to study and implement safety programs. In the beginning we mainly focused on the physical aspects of safety (i.e., falls, ergonomics, etc.). Yet, during the last 10 years of my career, we moved towards viewing mental health as a vital safety factor. In essence, we began to view the worker as a whole person by taking a Total Worker Health approach. Unfortunately, a number of recent reports indicate that the construction sector ranks near the top for both opioids abuse and suicide. It is no secret that the construction industry has had a difficult time overcoming issues of stigma due to it often being a male-dominated environment. However, since last summer, the training and coursework I have received from NWI-OWLS has benefited a number of contractors (white-collar) and construction workers (blue-collar) when it comes to dealing with stress and building resilience on and off the job site.

Laurie was certified in Resilience and Thriving in 2020.

Laurie Krupski works as a trainer of mental health coaches and faculty at an online university. She trained hundreds of health professionals to deliver evidence-based treatment in hospital, health department, military and university settings. After being trained in Resilience and Thriving, she immediately began to apply her learnings and discovered success incorporating Resilience tools into follow up coaching post treatment as part of relapse prevention. Laurie helped initiate a Resilience Community of Practice in June 2020 to support colleagues in the field to deepen their learning and application while promoting inclusion and diverse perspectives. As an avid Ballroom dancer and instructor, she maintains a passion for creative, somatic expression. She is currently exploring the application of resilience tools utilizing body awareness.

Why did you take the course?

My reason for taking the Resilience and Thriving course was to expand my understanding of how to transform to a better place when faced with life’s challenges. I desired to learn about the tools that tap into one’s potential to evolve.

For more information contact Laurie.Krupski@gmail.com

Brittany was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2020; she trains from New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

Brittany works as a Health & Wellbeing Consultant at Borislow Insurance.

Here is Brittany’s view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

I took the Resilience and Thriving certificate training course to help empower my valued community (clients, colleagues, friends, etc.) to make their mental health a priority and realize that life happens for us, not to us.

What value does it have for you?

This course has provided me with the interactive tools and foundational guidance system to help others help themselves. My passion for empowering others to make their mental health a priority stems from my personal struggle of learning to live with and ultimately overcome both depression and anxiety. What I have learned and hope to share with others is that with the right tools and support you can cope, build resiliency and thrive. I believe that each one of us is responsible for taking the steps necessary to learn and adapt to what our current mental health needs are so that we can show up for ourselves and the world in the most healthy, productive and compassionate way possible.

Contact Brittany Larrabee for more information.

Email me blarrabee@borislow.com

Kelly was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2020; she trains in Massachusetts.

Kelly works as a Director of Wellness Services.

Here is Kelly's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

I routinely work with employers and their employees who are in stressful industries. Day in and day out their work is taxing their resilience and fortitude beyond the regular stressors of everyday life and personal matters. These employees are very committed to the purpose of their work, but need support. And the employers want to help, but are not always sure how. As a Facilitator of the Resilience and Thriving Course, I can offer support and tools to the employees who need them to excel at what they do and to be able to stay in these positions that mean so much to them. It feels good to be able to provide resources that can be referenced for years to come. Our lives and stress are always changing, but the path to resilience and thriving is always there.

Contact Kelly Polinski for more information.


Julia was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2020; she trains in Massachusetts.

Julia is currently the Health Management Program Specialist at Health New England in Springfield, MA.

Here is Julia’s view as a trainer:

Why did you take the course?

Since earning a bachelor’s degree in Applied Exercise Science from Springfield College, I worked as a personal trainer and group exercise instructor earning the exercise physiologist certification through the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). I soon recognized the need for fostering one’s whole well-being, developing wellness initiatives for municipalities, community centers, corporate fitness, health plans and hospital environments.

What value does it have for you?

Living healthfully is a journey. What I love about the Resilience and Thriving course, is that it goes beyond education and provides real tools and resources to spark behavior change. With so much health information at our fingertips, it is important to enable people to take action steps to be strong and live through stress and trials with purpose.

Roger was certified in Team Readiness (2010); he trains in Maine/National.

To reach Roger, please contact us here http://organizationalwellness.com/contact/


Meg was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2024; she trains in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, as well as virtually.

Meg works as the Director of Healthy Cultures at TiER1 Performance.

Here is Meg's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

At TiER1, we have dedicated resources to improving mental health in the workplace, including pro bono initiatives like our “Start the Conversation” toolkit. I’ve always been intrigued by a holistic approach to mental health, including how evidence-based methods for responding to stressors can impact mental health. The Resiliency and Thriving course interested me because it views mental health through the lens of overall well-being and provides strategies we can all use to respond to stressors in our lives, build resilience, reduce anxiety, and avoid poor coping habits that can sometimes lead to mental health conditions.

What value does it have for you?

This course provided a valuable framework for reflecting on current life stressors and coping habits, and for intentionally strengthening skills to build greater resiliency and thrive. The impact this can have personally, as well as by modeling these behaviors within families, teams, and organizations, is tremendous.

Contact Meg Switala for more information.

Email: m.switala@tier1performance.com

Website: Healthy, High-Performing Cultures - TiER1 Performance

Ellen was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2021; she trains in Ohio.

Dr. Ellen Burts-Cooper is the senior managing partner of Improve Consulting and Training Group, a firm that provides personal and professional development training, coaching, and consultation. Ellen has been a facilitator for >20 years with a focus on wellness for the past since 2014.

Here is Ellen's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

I wanted to have the knowledge and expertise to help clients as they are facing the physical, mental and emotional consequences of long-term work-related stress.

What value does it have for you?

Managing wellness and preventing long term stress is critical to a comprehensive approach for the clients I serve.

Contact Ellen Burts-Cooper for more information.

Email: help@improveconsulting.biz

Phone: 216.999.7245

Website: http://improveconsulting.biz

Jessica was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2021; she trains in Wisconsin.

Jessica works as a Training and Development Partner.

Here is Jessica's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

The Resilience and Thriving training initially appealed to me because it seemed like it would complement my studies. When I took the training, I was pursing my master’s degree in Health and Wellness management.

What value does it have for you?

We have a goal of providing our employees the Best Place to Work, but at the same time there are certain aspects of their roles that make it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This course provides our employees with tools to build resilience and allows us to problem solve as a group. We close each session brainstorming about an issue our employees regularly encounter in their roles as manager trainees, which includes frequent travel. With our employees being all over the country, this course also provides an interactive platform where they can network and learn tips and tricks from colleagues who may have a solution to a challenge they are facing. Personally, this course has helped me grow as a facilitator and has created an additional opportunity to get to know our employees better which in turn, helps me better support them on their journey as a manager trainee.

Contact Jessica Rodriguez for more information.

Email: jezykamcc@hotmail.com

Dana was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2020; she coaches virtually.
Dana has been working in employee fitness and wellness for over a decade helping individuals change their behavior. Dana is a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), Certified Mindful Change Coach, and has been working as a board certified coach since 2018. Dana is an attentive and compassionate coach who works mindfully with each person, and specializes in coaching related to health and wellness, resilience and mindset, and stress management. In addition to coaching, Dana Bender Wellness provides virtual yoga and fitness personal training and instruction. Dana specializes in supporting: • Busy working professionals to make simple yet impactful changes • Individuals who want to reduce rumination and anxiety and improve resilience • Women to incorporate more self-care, exercise, and mindfulness into their routine

Here is Dana's view as a coach:
Why did you take this course?

I took this course to continue my own empirical based learning on the topic of resilience, and how to best integrate resilience work into my role as a coach and employee wellbeing specialist.

What value does it have for you?

I found the course extremely valuable, and that the course content had application across various contexts. Participants could leave with concrete ways that they would utilize the information in their work and/or personal life.

Contact Dana Bender for more information:

Website http://www.danabenderwellness.com/


Janelle was certified in the Resilience & Thriving Facilitator course as well as the Resilience to Thriving Coaching course in 2020. She practices remote health coaching across the United States, but resides in Wisconsin.

Janelle is an Independent Health Coach and Certified Wellness Practitioner (CWP) with Soulistic Well-Being LLC. Additionally, she holds credentials as a Certified Weight Trainer (CWT), Strength Training Specialist (STS), Certified Strength & Conditioning Instructor (CSCI), Certified Senior Strength Trainer (CSST), Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA), and Certified Wellness Coach (CWC). In May of 2021, she received her Health and Wellness Coaching Certificate from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and National Wellness Institute, approved by the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC).

Here is Janelle's view as a trainer and coach:

Why did you take this course?

As a Certified Wellness Practitioner (CWP) and Coach (CWC), I saw a need for training others how to: identify stressors, learn effective coping skills, and build resilience to become their best self holistically. The Resilience & Thriving Facilitator course provided me with professionalized language, assessments, and training to assist workplaces of all sizes in identifying the needs of their associates with regard to managing stress, building resilience, and thriving at work and in their personal lives. This course can help individuals turn their stressors into stories of resilience. It can teach people to effectively cope with life, increase employee engagement and satisfaction, and bring JOY back into the workplace! To continue honing my skills as a professional health coach, I decided to enroll in the Resilience to Thriving Coaching course. This certificate training provided me with tools I can use to assist my clients on their journeys of building healthy and sustainable habits through SMART goals and action plans that we co-create. By learning and drawing from their internal strengths, I help them identify and overcome obstacles so that they can live the best version of themselves.

What value does it have for you?

By utilizing the tools of resilience, which help us learn how to effectively manage stress, we can approach life with a growth mindset and purpose. God created the stress emotion; the value of this course is learning that stress calls us to ACT and DO. When we utilize the secret power of stress versus stuffing it and ineffectively coping, we become more resilient and can thrive. Personally, this course helped me become a better health coach. I suffered a career ending knee injury and developed PTSD, CRPS and generalized anxiety. All of this is now part of my story of resilience and thriving. I can empathize and help others walk through their journeys of resiliency through the creation of healthy and sustainable habits. I have learned that life’s setbacks are really God’s set-ups to catapult us into His future plans for our lives.

Why do Health Coaching with me?

Together, we’ll co-create a customized action plan, setting realistic goals to guide the way and help you stay focused. I’ll be your ally and hold you accountable while still leaving room for “life’s anticipated curve balls.” As your ally, I’ll work with you to adjust your goals and show you how to utilize your strengths so that you can continue to overcome obstacles as you journey towards your best self. In my practice, we build on the foundation of Christ for abundant living and the strength to make the right choices as well as guide our steps. I work with clients interested in improving the following areas: creation of healthy habits (e.g., reducing blood pressure, balanced diet, weight loss, strength conditioning, disease management, etc.), chronic pain, stress/burnout (emphasis on those in the healthcare profession) and boundaries/empowerment (weaving faith into each dimension of well-being).

Contact Janelle Baldwin for more information at

Email me Janelleb.Baldwin@SoulisticWell-Being.com

Website: www.SoulisticWell-Being.com

Phone: (920)-933-0856

Cathy was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2020; she trains in Indiana.

Cathy works as a Visiting Instructor at Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI).

Here is Cathy's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

One of the courses I teach is Stress Prevention and Management. I’ve been trying to help expand the perspective students have about stress in their life, and this course provided me with additional tools and ideas that I can apply to my work in classes.

What value does it have for you?

I love the activities and discussions that are utilized in the program. These have really allowed me to draw the students out more which has resulted in richer discussion in class. This has also helped me better understand the needs of the students so that we really focus on what is important to them.

Contact Cathy Nickels-Herndon for more information.


Transformational change Leader Independent

Sandy Salvo is self-employed as a transformational change leader for businesses and individuals seeking to reach their full potential and is excited to facilitate the Resilience and Thriving course to community and business organizations. Retired from the healthcare industry where she served as an improvement coach, quality analyst and manager for patient and family-centered care, Sandy is currently a sojourner trainer for Journey of Facilitation and Collaboration (a 5-day immersion in group leadership), while also facilitating workshops and organizing retreats aimed at promoting compassion, vitality and self-awareness. She is certified through the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi and offers regular classes in the Madison, Wisconsin area. Sandy has served non-profits and the government sector as a trainer, facilitator, stress management instructor and fitness director, and has a master’s degree in Human Resource Management.

Resilience and Thriving Workshop offered at Harbor Wellness Studios On May 2nd , I facilitated my first Resilience and Thriving Workshop at Harbor Wellness Studios in Middleton, Wisconsin. I chose a 2-hour format to allow time for Qigong and other mindfulness practices, as well as time for sharing in partners and small groups. The class was a diverse group of men and women from across the age and occupational spectrum, which resulted in rich discussion and learning. The feedback matched my own sense of our time together being well-spent. I look forward to many more opportunities to use my facilitation skills for promoting health and well-being through this course.

Liana was certified in Raw Coping Power and Team Awareness in 2016.

Liana Bran joined the Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in the summer of 2013 as a project coordinator for the Small Business Development Center. In this role, Bran provided new entrepreneurs and startups the tools and resources they needed to realize their dreams of owning a business.

Bran also coordinated IHCC’s collaboration with the Illinois Latino Family Commission to assist providers serving the Latino community to navigate changes resulting from the Affordable Care Act. The experience of effectively administering these programs has prepared Bran for her current position as the director of the Substance Free Workplace (SFW) program. Through SFW, she promotes healthy work environments that support healthy, engaged employees that actively contribute to business growth and success.

Prior to her time at the Chamber, Bran interned with several organizations including the Office of Senator Richard Durbin, RefugeeOne and Imani Center for Policy and Education in Ghana, West Africa. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of Illinois in Chicago.

Joanne Sommers, M.Ed., CHES is an instructor at BGSU; teaching courses in Health Promotion, Public Health, and Human Development & Family Studies for the past 17 years.

She completed her Bachelor of Arts in Community Health from Purdue University and Master of Education from the University of Toledo. She is a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) and certified trainer for the American Institute for Preventive Medicine: Systematic Stress Management, Smokeless, and Healthy Life Weigh programs.

In addition, she is the quarter-time Executive Director for the American Academy of Health Behavior (AAHB). AAHB is a “research home” for health behavior scholars and researchers whose primary commitment is to excellence in research and the application of research to practice to improve the public’s health.

Sharon was certified in Team Awareness (4 hour) in 2010; she trains in Michigan.

Here is Sharon’s view as a trainer:

I have provided Team Awareness Training for the Country Road Commission, Quad Graphics (a multinational printing company), and many nonprofits. The outcomes from the training were positive and created awareness and policy in all the venue’s I have facilitated.

Kaylee Greentree was certified in Well-Being Leadership in 2022.

Kaylee works as a Health Strategist at Hylant.

Here is Kaylee's view:
Why did you take the course?

Here is Kaylee's view

What value does it have for you?

The course provided me with a breadth of knowledge and tools that I have started to use in my daily work. It helped me understand the different perspectives, factors and strategies that need to be considered when implementing a wellness program. Dr. Bennett provided a lot of energy, guidance, and knowledge that I will reference for many years to come. I have become a more confident leader in guiding our clients through thoughtful and impactful wellbeing initiatives because of this course.

Contact Kaylee Greentree for more information. Kaylee.Greentree@Hyla.com

Maddison Bezdicek was certified in Well-Being Leadership in 2022.

Here is Maddison's view:
Why did you take the course?

I took this course to grow as a leader and understand more about creating organizational impact through well-being initiatives.

What value does it have for you?

The certification helped me understand how to leverage my strengths and skills to influence and lead others through organizational change.

Contact Maddison Bezdicek for more information.
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maddison-bezdicek-96b0a231

Stacy Ross was certified in Well-Being Leadership in 2022.

Stacy works as the Health & Well-being nurse at AriensCo.

Here is Stacy view as a trainer:
Why did you take the course?

I initially reached out to Joel to get assistance and guidance on developing a team of Well-being Champions. What resulted was me recruiting 7 others to join me on a journey of both self-discovery and the creation of an amazing team of Well-being Leaders.

What value does it have for you?

Our team includes individuals that work on the assembly line, safety, recruiting, orientation specialists and human resources. For some this was the first time dipping their toes into a professional course. For one, English is her second language and she excelled in this course design. Joel and his team do an incredible job of not only teaching content and providing tools, but also connecting with the individuals and ensuring that understand the concepts by giving opportunities to put the tools to use in the course and report back. The group and individual coaching sessions were invaluable for my personal growth and development. With the tools and knowledge gathered from this course, we have begun the process of scaling and spreading this work, creating a team of Well-being Champion!

Contact Stacy Ross for more information.

Jessica was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2023; she trains in Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati

Jessica works as the Wellness Manager for St. Elizabeth Healthcare, and she is the owner of Fit Life with Jessica, LLC which provides health coaching and personal training services to individuals.

Here is Jessica's view as a trainer:
Why did you take this course?

I took this course to expand my knowledge on resiliency and get the necessary training enabling me to provide workshops throughout my organization. I want to provide support for the mental well being of our associates to help raise the set point for both our associates and organization.

I also wish to provide these trainings to local businesses.

What value does it have for you?

My professional goal is to help others learn the skills for resilience and thriving at work and home. I want to facilitate an environment of psychological safety through these workshops to deepen our positive culture of well-being.

Contact Jessica Morris for more information.


Here is Frann's background:

Frann spent 25 years as an educator, serving as an athletic coach, teacher, school counselor, assistant principal, principal, and assistant superintendent. In 2022 she retired from her career as a public school educator and opened FLUX Coaching and Consulting. Frann has extensive experience fostering leadership in others and believes that the foundation of strong leadership is personal wellness. Her coaching focuses on the well-being of the whole person. Frann's team trainings are designed to foster relationships that enhance organizational wellness.

Contact Frann Wageneck for more information.

Email: info@fluxcoachconsult.com

Website: FLUX Coaching & Consulting

Amanda was certified in Well-Being Leadership in 2022.

Amanda works as the Director of Public Affairs for the Colorado Physician Health Program.

Here is Amanda's view:
Why did you take this course?

I took the Well-Being Leadership course to assist the medical community of Colorado in their pursuit of medical staff wellbeing and thus, safer patient care.

What value does it have for you?

I feel that I am better equipped to meet medical facilities where they are. Approaching the very difficult conversations of how well their medical staff is, what wellbeing efforts are needed and where is their greatest limitation in extending wellness benefits to their staffs with a humble approach is my goal. The priority of physician/medical staff wellness has become forefront but having help in engaging in this important conversation will benefit medical facilities across Colorado. I have already started to engage with leaders and start to help them find their best solution to obtain wellbeing. I am excited, given the skills I have recently obtained or refined, to join medical staffs in their quest for the healthiest staff!

Contact Amanda Kimmel for more information. akimmel@cphp.org

Phone : (303) 860-0122 ext 231

Meri was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2021; she trains in Montana.
Meri was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2021; she trains in Montana.

Here is Meri's view as a trainer:
Why did you take this course?

I took this course in order to have a research and results-proven workshop to run with my attorney colleagues in Montana.

What value does it have for you?

My mission is to eliminate chronic stress for the legal profession in Montana. I run a family law firm focused on collaboration and a consulting business, Forza Consulting, to work with other attorneys and law firms on workplace wellbeing. The resilience and thriving curriculum has given me an effective and concrete way to introduce wellbeing concepts to my colleagues. Not only does it deliver education about resilience and stress management, the workshop fosters great conversation and helps us all gain insight into our sources of stress and what we can do community-wide to reduce chronic stress. This leads to other great practices such as using wellbeing coordinators at workplaces and brainstorming office policies that help with stress reduction.

Contact Meri Althauser for more information:


Sabrina was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2020; she coaches in Montana.
Sabrina Hanan MA ABS is a nationally certified health, wellness, resilience and motivational coach offering transformative coaching for individuals, couples, families and teams. Using her intuitive abilities, traditional academic preparation in psychology and 30 years of experience, Sabrina is able to be present with, attune to, resonate with and build extraordinary trust with her clients, meeting them where they are at each moment in order to support the integration of her clients’ innate wisdom. Sabrina fosters in her clients feelings of stillness, groundedness and harmony. Through her experiences as an educator, consultant and transformative coach, Sabrina has developed a process that engenders flexibility, adaptability, coherence and stability in her clients.

Here is Sabrina's view as a coach:
Why did you take this course?

Trauma often causes illness of the body, mind and soul. Resilience skills provide an effective method to heal the effects of trauma that can be learned by any person who is willing. These skills are sometimes within our inherent capabilities and can be built with practice if not present. This means the person who wants to heal from trauma has it within their control to do so if they are willing.

What value does it have for you?

My role as a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach is to walk alongside my clients in their journey to achieve the goals they determine. The ability to support my clients in developing the skills of Resilience promotes my efficacy as a coach and invigorates me in my role as a coach.

Contact Sabrina Hanan for more information:

Phone (406)-600-2595
Website www.whitelightwellnessmt.com
Instagram @white.light.wellness

Daniel was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2019; he trains in Oregon.

Dan Jolivet is a clinical psychologist licensed in Georgia and Oregon, and he has worked in behavioral health since 1980. He worked primarily as a direct healthcare provider for over 20 years and was in practice as a child psychologist until 2003. He also worked in managed behavioral healthcare organizations for 20 years in a variety of management roles, but transitioned into the disability insurance industry in 2016. He currently focuses on disability prevention, stay-at-work, return-to-work, ADAAA services, health management integration, and other related employer solutions.

Here is Daniels's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

“I was eager to learn how to facilitate the “Resilience to Thriving” course, since I figured that I’d pick up plenty of pointers and new tactics to add to my personal toolkit. More important to me, though, was the potential professional benefit of being able to offer the training. I’m a behavioral health professional, a licensed clinical psychologist, and, although I haven’t practiced for almost 20 years, I still want to add to my psychotherapeutic armamentarium – my clinical toolkit.”

What value does it have for you?

“Resilience training is not a panacea. It can help people cope with difficulties, but it doesn’t replace the need for appropriate treatment when they’re struggling with mental health or substance use conditions. And individual resilience training doesn’t address the effects of a dysfunctional or toxic company culture – for that, you need organizational resilience training. Still, learning how to identify and address stress before it becomes overwhelming is an skill for everyone. In my opinion, resilience training – and particularly the “Resilience to Thriving” course – is an essential skill for every behavioral health professional.”

Contact Daniel Jolivet for more information.

Email: dan.jolivet@standard.com

Karen was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2020; she trains in California.

Holistic Health Coach, Author and Speaker

Why did you take the course?

I love the concept of Resilience and I felt that the skills of resilience are so important as part of stress management training. Joel provided such a comprehensive training with the focus on delivering the presentation to audiences. He provided the slide deck and notes to be able to have this as an immediate presentation.

What value does it have for you?

I love the topic of resilience. I feel the power of this workshop is to have participants reflect on ideas that create a mind shift from upper limits to new possibilities to thrive in their life. It is important to identify negative coping skills and talk about them and then shift to what positive coping skills look like. Participants love the workbook and have told me they return to it after the workshop to reinforce the learning and behavior change.

President/Owner Dr. Karen Wolfe, Inc.

Mobile: 949-500-5565 | Email: email@drkarenwolfe.org P: 920-933-0856

DrKarenWolfe.org | Blog | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIN

Radio Talk Show Host, Investing in the Future: Creating Wealth Through Health

Susan Doherty is a Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist (CEAS) who specializes in employee compliance in the areas of ergonomics and wellness. Stress management is a key component in both areas of her work. She is a certified facilitator of the Raw Coping Power module of the Team Awareness program. Creating a culture of health in the workplace starts with a great stress management program.


When employees:
1. recognize the signs of their stress
2. recognize the source of their stress
3. understand what triggers their stress
4. learn early warning signs
5. understand when they are choosing unhealthy behaviors to avoid or drown their stress
6. learn the SEC (stress-evaluate-cope) Model
7. make healthier choices
8. learn ways to adapt their work to fit their strengths
9. learn to set their intentions for success

They will benefit with:
• improved engagement
• improved health and productivity
• improved focus and attention
• healthier work relationships
• better attitudes at work and in life
• increased peer-to-peer support
• reduced health risk behaviors
• reduced unhealthy social behaviors
• reduced absenteeism and presenteeism
• reduced stress at work and away from work

This is Raw Coping Power. Contact Susan for more information.

susan@actionergo.com 858.414.5089

Denise was certified in the Team Awareness (8 hour) program in 2002; she trains in Oregon and Nationally.

Here is Denise's view as a trainer:

I delivered Team Awareness to about 300 staff members (including managers) of the Grande Ronde Tribal Government and have also assisted Dr. Bennett in training-of-trainers and providing training to the Native Learning Center. In my opinion, Team Awareness is a beneficial training for all workers at all levels, giving them the tools that they need for their career, for improving work environment, and for their personal lives. It helps you to handle day-to-day issues of communication and teamwork, as well stressful and crisis situations. I will also tell you that it has helped me in all my development I have had as a professional. The program — especially the stress management and tolerance modules–has allowed me to look at situations in new and helpful ways. It has also helped me as a leader in understanding how people react to situations and then work with them through better communication. Highly recommended.


Michele Hamm

Michele Hamm was certified as a Resilience & Thriving Coach in 2023; she trains in person, virtually, and lives in Arizona.

Michele is an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist and Consultant. She is the founder/owner of BridgeWell Consulting, LLC, a consulting practice that specializes in organizational design and well-being strategy. She is currently working on her Sports Psychology certification.

Here is Michele Hamm's view as a trainer:
Why did you take this course?

After spending decades as a health and well-being professional and most recently an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist, I have found we have a number of inconsistencies in how we, as a society, view a well workplace. Organizational messages indicate that employee health is important, yet, in many organizations, it is not a priority.

As a culture, our workplace expectations for “showing up” often trump our value on promoting self-care and providing employees with the tools to manage a variety of challenging physical and psychological wellness related situations. Worksites often establish wellness programs where the focus is on participation numbers, not necessarily outcomes or changing the environment to positively impact self-care practices.

I started my consulting practice as a means to help workplaces create a bridge between organizational design and well-being strategy, so they not only provide the tools necessary, but also the environment required to create the best outcomes for employee well-being. I know I am at my best when I focus on my own wellness practice and put that front of mind. The opportunity to participate in Dr. Bennett’s course and apply these concepts in various workplaces is exciting and empowering.

What value does it have for you?

The brain fascinates me! Particularly how impactful our thoughts are to our physiological responses. Participating in a workshop that addresses the basic responses to stress and how to reframe our thinking and create a heightened awareness in order to elicit a new and more thoughtful response was exciting! This new response moves us from surviving to thriving!

Contact Michele Hamm for more information:

Email: michele@bridgewellconsult.com

Website: http://bridgewellconsult.com/

LinkedIn: Michele Hamm, Ph.D. | LinkedIn


Dianna Scaccia

Dianna was certified in Resilience and Thriving in 2023. She trains in-person, virtually, and lives in Arizona.

Dianna is an independent health coach and professional wellness trainer with AZ Department of Health Services for the Healthy AZ Worksites Program. She is in the process of becoming certified to facilitate Chronic Disease Self Management programs with Dignity Health.

Here is Dianna's view:
Why did you take this course?

I have practiced many forms of wellness, on a personal and professional level, throughout my life. It began with an individual focus and has morphed into a desire to help others live and be well. Over the past 4 years, the impact of resiliency, especially in the workplace, has grown in importance. After spending 25+ years working in a clinical and leadership role within a healthcare setting, I became acutely aware of how much a self care environment can contribute to the overall quality of life of our patients, our customers, our teams, and departments.

Raising my 2 daughters as a single working mother, I am certain about one thing- my wellness-focused lifestyle habits gave me the ability to be the best- the best mother, daughter, team member, leader, clinician, friend, etc that I could be. I took this course to learn how to support our workforce in leading their best lives. I wanted to provide the self awareness and the attitude that we all can. We spend most of our waking hours in our work environment. I have a purposeful desire to share Dr Bennett’s concepts to drive the growth and change that can be generated among our peers and ultimately our life experiences. I have a committment to living a life of thriving and want that for others!

What value does it have for you?

Once aware of the innate way our brains respond to stress as a function of survival, it was empowering to participate in a workshop that focuses on retraining our brains to react and respond so it leads to thriving versus surviving. To have the knowledge and skills to present and teach the concepts Dr Bennett has researched with the NWI, inspires me to share them with teams, friends, families, colleagues.

Contact Dianna Scaccia for more information. discaccia@gmail.com

LinkedIn: Dianna Scaccia, MS | LinkedIn

Amy Blackburn-Martinie

Amy was certified in Resilience and Thriving in 2023. She trains and lives in Arizona.

Amy works as the Human Resources Generalist for Solari Crisis & Human Services.

Here is Amy's view:
Why did you take this course?

In all honesty my supervisor asked "Hey, do you want to to take a course on Resilience?" I said sure, unknowingly to me it was a training the trainer course. It turned out well. Although I do have some anxiety around speaking, mental health is a passion of mine and when people do not know their limits and, how to handle those limits it can lead to much bigger struggles in life. So glad I said yes to taking the course.

What value does it have for you?

Resilience to Thriving is actually very similar to my path in life. I would say the value is endless in many ways. Taking this course has encouraged me to write my resilience story, which I had planned on doing for years. Taking this course has also reminded me that the importance of helping others is still very close to my heart. We are all responsible for one another. What I say and do affects people and I can either choose to have a positive effect or I can choose to have a negative effect, I can choose to learn from experiences, or I can choose to remain stagnant, I chose, and continue to choose to learn. I realize the importance of recognizing your own stressors and how to handle those stressors in ways that lead to a thriving lifestyle and am thrilled to be able to share these concepts with others.

Contact Amy Blackburn-Martinie for more information. Amy.Blackburn-Martinie@solari-inc.org


Lisa Mainieri, MPH, MSW

Lisa was certified in Resilience and Thriving in 2023. She trains in-person, virtually, and lives in Arizona.

Lisa works as the Employee Wellness & Engagement Coordinator for the City of Chandler and is in the process of getting her Wellness Coaching Certification.

Here is Lisa's view:
Why did you take this course?

Over the past 3 years, resiliency has grown in importance for my personal and professional self-awareness. Spending the past 20+ years in a NYC hospital I became acutely aware of how individuals and groups reacted and responded to stress and their subsequent resiliency. With 9/11 as an employee, we prepared for a flood of people that never came and as a NYC resident I wondered why the gym wasn’t open. Almost 20 years later, Covid landed in NYC – time stood still and feelings of helplessness, fear and loss led to a community built within our hospital system to get resources and support to one another. Then, after an incredible pulling together – feelings of anger overrode everything with the enforcement of the vaccine. I started to notice how I was responding and reacting and the feelings that came over me and ultimately led me to regroup and focus on how I chose to respond. I took this course to learn the concepts behind the growth and change or lack thereof to support others and their life experiences.

What value does it have for you?

After years of “de stressing” it was wonderful to partake in a workshop that focuses on the neuroplasticity of our brains to redevelop/re-train how we react and respond to stress. These are key functions all of us have and we can thrive when we put them into practice. This workshop breaks it all down and Dr. Bennet and team have enabled us to take these concepts and discover both the individual and team ways in which we can use and grow them within ourselves, with our friends and families, and with our colleagues.

Contact Lisa Mainieri for more information. lmainieri@gmail.com


Laura works as the Health Promotion Manager at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma.

Laura works as a Health Promotion Manager at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma.

Here is Laura's view:

Why did you take the Well-Being Leadership course?

My intention for taking the Well-Being Leadership Certification course was to grow as a leader and to apply the knowledge and skills from this course into the health promotion programming I create to positively impact the wellbeing and wholeness of the Airmen I serve.

What value does it have for you?

I have taken purposeful actions to embody the intention I set in this course, to create a lasting wellbeing ripple effect. I am using the Wellbeing Leadership tools and the Humble Inquiry tools to ask the right questions, to have more meaningful conversations, to have more authentic interactions, and to empower others to do the same. I have also enhanced how I develop and implement health promotion programs to shift the climate more towards wellbeing and wholeness.

Why did you take the Resilience & Thriving Coach course?

I've wanted to attend this training since it was first announced and am incredibly grateful I was able to attend in 2022. The additional resilience to thriving tools this training provided will provide me with an additional skill set to better help the Airmen I serve.

What value does it have for you?

I will continue to use the tools I've learned in the course for my own personal healing journey and resilience story. I am also more confident in my ability and belief that I can help others enhance their wellbeing and wholeness.

Why did you take the Resilience & Thriving course?

While speaking with the Airmen about their poor sleep quality and tobacco use, I realized the underlying cause of these behaviors was stress and poor coping techniques. The tools that I've received from the Resilience & Thriving Facilitator training have provided me the ability to enhance the programs that I offer at Tinker AFB.

What value does it have for you?

The tools, activities, and discussion really engage the Airmen who attend this class. I love seeing the moment that they truly understand how their stressors, coping style, and lifestyle factors can all work together to move them from coping to thriving!

Contact Laura Anne Crowder for more information.

Work Email: laura.a.crowder4.civ@health.mil
Personal Email: lauraacrowder@gmail.com

Janet was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2020; She trains in Texas.

Dr. Janet Bezner serves as a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach and as a professor at Texas State University

Why did you take the course?

As one of the leads of our employee wellness program, I hear frequently that employees are stressed and busy and struggle to prioritize their health and wellness. What I don't hear is a recognition that stress can be reduced by investing in regular physical activity, healthy eating, and mindfulness/intentionality. I took the resilience certification to add another tool to my tool chest to teach employees how they can enhance their overall health and wellness and reduce stress. So much of what people experience as "stress" is under their control, even though it doesn't feel that way.

What value does it have for you?

The resilience training program provides tangible skills that you can teach people to reframe stress and thrive. I've delivered the training for various groups including students, faculty, and healthcare providers and it has been well received in all settings.

Contact Janet Bezner for more information.

Email me jb25@txstate.edu

P: 512-716-2659

My career started in the beverage industry with Republic National Distributing Company (RNDC) in 2003. In 2006, I joined the sales team and gained exposure to the wine and spirits side of the business before moving into a Spirits Management Position.

After earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources and Organizational Development in 2010, I was promoted to an HR Manager Role in 2011 and in 2013, to an HR Director Role supporting our Corporate and Nationwide Teams with a strategic oversight on Project Management of our Human Capital Strategy.

I enjoy being an advocate for organizational behavior and culture and have been afforded multiple opportunities to become an Ambassador for the American Heart Association, a Certified Worksite Wellness Specialist (CWWS), and now a Facilitator of “Raw Coping Power”. Additionally I hold Certifications from DDI Global and the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL).

Chuck was certified in Team Resilience in 2009 and in Team Awareness 2002; he trains in Ft. Worth, Texas.

Chuck currently works with Optum Health Behavioral Solutions.

Here is Chuck's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

I took Team Awareness to be familiar with the program, so I could help develop Team Resilience for OWLS. I took Team Resilience by default since I helped to develop the training and conducted all trainings for the YIW grant.

What Value has it had for you?

Now that I am a counselor, my knowledge of both programs has been invaluable while working with individuals with substance abuse issues and their family members and anyone dealing with excessive stress or communication challenges.


Duane Piety was certified in Team Awareness in 2004; he trains in Texas.


Carroll was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2024; she trains in North Carolina.


Carroll Lytch works as a Psychologist for the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services, Clinical and Contractual Services Division.

Here is Carroll's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

The course fits well with our department's goal of becoming a Trauma Responsive Organization and the work that Clinical and Contractual Services has accomplished as a leading DSS/Trauma Informed Learning Community.

What value does it have for you?

Our tenacity to bounce back in the face of sometimes unimaginable situations is what gives us our power as humans being. Resiliency is the other side of the trauma coin.

Contact Carroll Lytch for more information.

Email: carroll.lytch@mecklenburgcountync.Gov

Phone: (704) 575-9059

Amore’ McCullough was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2024; she trains in North Carolina.


Amore’ McCullough works as a Public Health Educator at the Mecklenburg County Public Health Department (MCPH). She serves as one of the three Public Health Educators of the Community Engagement Program alongside one Health Equity Fellow. The Community Engagement program is a part of the MCPH Office of Health Equity and the MCPH division of Population Health.

Here is Amore's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

At Mecklenburg County Public Health (MCPH) we have a program called ReCAST (Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma). This program provides numerous train-the-trainer courses for MCPH employee. Resiliency and Thriving was one of the many courses provided to us. I registered for this course because my team and I are constantly out in the field interacting with community members therefore we saw the value in being training in Resiliency and Thriving to provide our community with more tools to optimize their health.

What value does it have for you?

The subject manner of Resiliency and Thriving is incredibly personal for me as I am extremely passionate about holistic health and wellness, therefore, I was moved after taking the course. What makes this so valuable to me is that it empowers people, Resiliency and Thriving has shown me that you can transmute stress into something more positive; people can utilize stress to create healthier lifestyle habits and also learn more about themselves. To me this course is about so much more than just coping with stress; it gives you a different prospective on how to live life and handle challenges.

Contact Amore' McCullough for more information.

Email: Amore’.McCullough@MeckNC.Gov

Carla was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2024; She works in Charlotte, NC.


Carla Carlisle is a Certified Trauma Informed Advocate, TEDx speaker, award-winning author, and proud boy mom. As a keynote speaker, Carla provides workshops to support our communities in becoming trauma-informed and practicing self-care. She incorporates her experiences penned in her memoir, “Journey to the Son,” as well as with her son, JC, in “My Big Notebook” to drive home how to cope and thrive h hhbeyond trauma. “The Compassionate Companion,” shares everything you should know about becoming a foster/adoptive parent and/or supporting a child with a traumatic background but didn’t know to ask. Her workbook, “My Epic Flow”, supports 16-22 year olds in processing feelings and tackling tough situations, while looking to the future.
Carla is a critical team member on a PCORI research study, collaborating with Duke, UCLA, and Brown universities, focusing on youth presenting with suicidal ideation at the emergency department (ED). Additionally, she serves as the Board Chair of the Black Youth Wellness Initiative (BYWI), striving to enhance the mental health and well-being of Black youth. Carla also had the honor of being a storyteller for This Is My Brave in Boston 2023, sharing her journey to inspire others.
She is a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Carla earned an M.S. in human resources management from The American University, an M.S. in organizational development from The Johns Hopkins University, and a B.A. in sociology from Indiana University.

Contact Carla Carlisle for more information.

Email: info@carlaacarlisle.com

Website: https://carlaacarlisle.com/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlaacarlisle/

Jaramial was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2024; he works in Charlotte, NC.

Jaramial Lee, MPA is a Public Health Educator at Mecklenburg County Public Health Department in Charlotte, NC.

Here is Jaramial's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

To become more informed about resiliency and thriving. Also, to equip those within my community and surrounding areas who may have never been taught what resiliency and healthy coping skills look like. Also, to learn and know more about the robust opportunities of coping with stress and-wellness.

What value does it have for you?

It has a much greater value than prior of taking the training. This type of information is so important to share with those among us especially in underserve populations, the imperativeness of connecting resiliency and the capability to acknowledge stress is so crucial as well as how to recognize such stressors and develop healthy coping skills to thrive. The importance of knowing your set point has not been taught in a typical educational atmosphere. So, something that we may have tolerated for such a period can be unhealthy because we never have been taught to recognize our set point . The ability to share these tools and more with my community.

Contact Jaramial Lee for more information.

Email: Jaramiallee1892@gmail.com

Phone: 407-421-4088

Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jaramial-lee-mpa-81a00b28a

Lisa was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2021; she trains in Florida.

Lisa works as a Program Manager and Lead Facilitator in the Health Performance and Strategies Department of AdventHealth. She facilitates health and well-being programs to companies outside of the AdventHealth organization.

Here is Lisa's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

I took the Resilience and Thriving certificate training course to add to the list of health and well-being courses that we provide across organizations throughout the country.

What value does it have for you?

This course provided me with a different perspective on resilience. The content allows participants to identify their stress and their response along with providing an opportunity to set goals and intentions that will ultimately change behaviors. I believe participants will appreciate the wholistic approach to transform stress and ultimately thrive!

Contact Lisa Davis for more information.

Email: lisa.davis@adventhealth.com

Phone: 407-421-4088

Website: https://www.adventhealth.com/business/health-performance-strategies

Michele was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2020; she trains in Florida.

Michele works as a speaker and professional development trainer. She is also a Grief Recovery Method Specialist.

Why did you take this course?

While I work with a couple of frameworks for stress management and resilience work I was very interested in the focus on coping to thriving model in this course. Through facilitating the exploration of positive and negative coping styles and emphasizing lifestyle habits participants gain strong awareness and skills to facilitate thriving in their lives.

What value does it have for you?

The approach with Resilience and Thriving is unique in helping people recognize that they have inherent skills to grow in resilience. It also provides the opportunity to recognize the link between their lifestyle factors, stress, and coping style. Then they get the opportunity to create movement from coping to thriving utilizing this knowledge to implement a plan for addressing personal stress. It is a practical, holistic, and strength based body of learning and my participants immediately implement their learning for success!

Contact Michele Mariscal for more information. mmariscal@sia-jpa.org

Cassandra was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2020; she trains in North Carolina.

Cassandra works as a Certified Wellness Coach.

Here is Cassandra's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

I've been on a journey of identifying stress factors, especially the intangible - the things we don't see - and how to relieve stress in a positive way. I had always been able to handle "20 things" at once but over time that built up and I can no longer handle this kind of workload. I wanted to learn more about relieving stress, which led me to this workshop. Now, I want to bring awareness to others. We live in a continuously stressed world these days. We need to positively cope with stress.

What value does it have for you?

For me, it was the clarity of early warning physical signs and later warning signs which brought value. Also, we never know what another person is going through, and stopping to evaluate the reality of a situation can bring a different perspective. We all have a different stress tolerance level. We need to be aware of the signs not only for ourselves but for those around us, too.

Contact Cassandra Shaw for more information.





Stephany was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2019.

Stephany works as a Health Promotion Manager and Fitwel Ambassador.

Here is Stephany's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

Because of my own journey in becoming resilient and learning to thrive in the face of adversity, I know how important tools and skills are to becoming successful. I learned flying by the seat of my pants and because I’m a survivor.

What value does it have for you?

I work with employers and their employees daily where mental health issues and stress continue to be the leading causes of presenteeism, absenteeism, low morale, lost productivity and increased health care costs. As a Facilitator of the Resilience and Thriving Course, I know I am teaching the participants tried and true techniques that will help them face and thrive through stressful events at work and at home. I am also giving them skills that can help them change their perspective and outlook on life, which will greatly impact their overall well-being for the good. It gives me great joy to go back to a worksite and have an employee tell me how they have implemented a tool or technique and how it has positively impacted their life. Even better is when they have taught it to a spouse or child.

Please contact us if you would like to get in touch with Stephany for more information.


Trinity was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2018; she trains in North Carolina.

Trinity has over 20 years of human resources experience primarily in the public sector. She is currently the Director of Human Resources for a community college where she focuses on recruitment, selection, employee relations, and employee wellness. In 2019, the HR department under her leadership was recognized for Human Resources Excellence by the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR). She has been a Senior Certified Professional with the International Public Management Association for Human Resources since 2006. Her life motto which she shares in her presentations is "Bloom Where You're Planted" and is based on the scientific model of how humans deal with stress, the flourishing flower.

Here are some testimonials on Trinity's work:
The stress management course helped reinforce useful techniques to help ground myself during challenging times or "triggers". For example, writing down three gratefuls and then recalling my senses. Finally, warm tea decaf teas and lavender help too! Trinity, I am truly grateful and happy to see emotional wellness be a positive trend!
Danielle Bruner, BSDH, RDH, CDA
Second Year Dental Hygiene Coordinator, CCCC Dental Programs
Trinity's calm demeanor, with a touch of comedic relief, compels the audience to lean in with attentiveness, with full engagement to the material that is being presented. Professionally, I had the pleasure of attending Trinity's "Bloom Where You are Planted" workshop, regarding tips to evoke a calm environment and to release or eliminate stress. Those tips will withstand the test of time and I continually practice some of them to this day. Hands down, Trinity Faucett is one of the best presenters that I have encountered.
Rosalind M. Cross
Executive Director of Workforce Development & WIOA Programs
Triangle South Workforce Development


Contact Trinity Faucett for more information.


April was certified in Raw Coping Power (December, 2015) and Team Awareness (March, 2016); she trains in Tennessee.

She has delivered both training programs to county employees and has received very positive ratings. April began working for Washington County, Tennessee since 1994. Since then, she has worked hard and developed several programs and projects to create new and better working environments. As part of her efforts, April works on internal committees to rewrite County Polices, including establishing an effective Employee Assistance program. She also collaborates with the Safety Director to set up new policies and procedures, and works with addiction programs for employees. April looks forward to continue her journey on Team Awareness and Raw Coping Power.

DeeAnna was certified in Team Awareness in 2011 and Team Readiness (mini-modules) in 2012; she trains in North Carolina.

Here is DeeAnna’s view as a Trainer:

I am a Certified Substance Abuse Prevention Consultant (CSAPC) and have been trained in Team Readiness, Team Awareness and Stress Management. Stress Management has been delivered to 4 businesses including my own and other non-profit and governmental organizations. Additionally the material was used with human service professionals as part of a workshop on creating Workplace Wellness in the helping professions. The material is very interactive and well received by participants in all settings.

I was instrumental in setting up an employee wellness committee within my own organization and provide technical assistance to the group as they develop workplace policies and programs around wellness. Team Awareness training helped prepare me for getting buy in from top management. I am seeking opportunities to include Team Awareness in the Integrated Healthcare Models for NC.

I have been delivering Team Readiness mini modules with the NC National Guard for the last year and have found the soldiers to be very responsive to the material. The soldiers talk about their coping skills and willingness to tolerate or respond to workplace substance abuse. Team Readiness allows soldiers to talk about the challenges of deployment and reintegration and gives them a chance to support each other in positively coping with stress or seeking assistance if needed. Surveys indicate that most soldiers agree or strongly agree Team Readiness made them aware of the risks of substance abuse, gave them skills to recognize those risks in themselves or others and showed them resources to help those at risk. Almost all soldiers found Team Readiness to be a benefit to their own health and wellness.

LaTasha was certified in Team Awareness in 2011 and Team Readiness (mini-modules) in 2012; she trains in North Carolina.

LaTasha Murray, CSAPC is a Substance Abuse Prevention Program Director for a community nonprofit. She is to certified to implement Team Awareness and is also trained to implement Team Readiness. She thoroughly enjoys implementing the modules and thinks that the Stress Management module is a must for everyone!

Owner & Wellness StrategistBack to Life’s Basics

I am a bilingual (English/Spanish) Board Certified Health Coach and Wellness Strategist. I’m the owner of an integrative health and wellness coaching services company Back to Life’s Basics and the founder and CEO of the Wellness for Growth Foundation.

Helping people enjoy the benefits of living a more balanced, healthy and energetic life is a personal goal that inspires my daily actions. I have seen many positive transformations when people realize the importance of centering in life and giving their minds and bodies what they need to thrive. Based on this simple, but very powerful concept, I started teaching workshops on holistic wellness, nutrition, stress management and energy management, and culturally adapting my presentations to increase the relevance of the trainings to diverse audiences.

As a certified trainer of Raw Coping Power, I can attest to its effectiveness. Participants readily enjoy the material and can apply it to their lives. The connections they make with the material and with each other can help them not only cope with stress but also thrive in any new or stressful environment. Participant outcomes show, among other things, that they have improved confidence to evaluate the stressors of their life, greater recognition that healthy coping is a choice, and greater ability to recognize when their coping is not working. They also report increased motivation to address stress and more knowledge on how and where to get help. I highly recommend Dr. Bennett’s training course. You will see positive outcomes with your participants and enhance confidence in those clients you serve.

(713) 452-0377

Paul was certified in Stress Management in 2011; he trains in Georgia.

Vicki was certified in 2011; she trains in Florida.

Here is Vicki's view as a trainer:

I have provided Team Awareness training in two local restaurants. Because of the training, both places are now a drug free workplaces and have established new policy with employees.

Carie was certified in Health Consciousness in 2020; she trains in Alabama.

Carie works as the Director of Operations at the Addiction Prevention Coalition.

Here is Carie's view as a trainer:

Why did you take this course?

Our Non-Profit focuses on Addiction Prevention through awareness and education. We knew we wanted to be able to offer a Prevention seminar for people in the workplace, but we wanted to do this through the lens of Wellness. The EHC course provided us the framework and tools needed to put together our Prevention Partners Seminars that would be both inspiring and practical.

What value does it have for you?

I love the underlying concept of mindfulness and taking back ownership over our health in all areas of our lives. In some ways it is such a simple concept but in many ways it can be revolutionary. We can use these trainings with adults in the workplace, in education settings and in community meetings. But we have also tailored them for students and added fun and competitive games to further solidify the information. Our feedback has been really positive and our evaluations based on pre- and post-testing show that our goals are being reached.

Contact us if you would like to get in touch with Carie Wimberly for more information.



Terri-Ann was certified in Resilience & Thriving in 2022; she trains in Canada.

Terri-Ann works as a Executive & Leadership Coach with leaders globally.

Here is Terri-Ann's view as a trainer:

As a 17+ year entrepreneur & leader, I know the long term effects of stress and its ability to hinder your growth professionally. Resilience is a trait that I believe ALL leaders can encompass on their path to greatness.

What value does it have for you?

Leaders and entrepreneurs experience an unprecedented amount of overwhelm and stress. When working with these individuals on their professional development it matters to me to focus on assisting them from the inside out. Thus, resilience is a necessity.

Contact Terri-Ann Richards for more information.

Email: Hello@TerriAnnRichards.com

Phone: 506.721.9146

Website: www.terriannrichards.com or www.learnandlead.ca

Zdenka Mazourek (Raw Coping Power)